Tuesday, October 30, 2007


The following bits are brought to you by the Take Off & Google SMS service.

  • REM News: Automatic for the People album released 15 years ago
  • REM Update: BBC hosts Michael Stipe this week
  • REM Ticker: Live album in stores now
  • This just in: Next REM album expected early 2008
  • For all the latest REM: Visit remhq.com

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The 5-expression rule

One thing I forgot to mention: the restriction for the number of expressions. I would like every co-editor to pick maximum 5 expressions at a time.
/Our memory is limited, so I think it will be totally enough for everybody.;)/

Enjoy our flying together! ;)

Monday, October 22, 2007

It won't split your ears

I love short, snappy verbs and nouns, especially those that have multiple meanings. This way, I can learn the pronunciation easy -- it's just one syllable. Plus, because they have more than one meaning, when I have learned one such word, I really have learned many.

Here's an example: split.

This week, people on my Take Off SMS list get the following messages. You, too, can learn these words now because Anna has let me contribute to this great Albatross Vocabulary blog.

  • lickety-split: quickly, very fast
  • banana split: yummy ice-cream with banana
  • a split second: a very short time
  • Split: a resort in Croatia
  • split infinitive: a special verb form like "to boldly go", "to highly value"

Some more info on flying together ;)

For becoming my co-editor, I think I only need to send an invitation to your e-mail address (the one you created your own blog with). To Bálint, hopefully, I've already sent one. ;) The rest of the addresses I didn't see at the profiles, so please please, drop me a line. Only if you wish to join, of course.;)

Useful expressions from my blog entry 'Why?!'

to be as sound as a bell: to be very healthy. 'olyan egészséges, mint a makk'

shooting pain: an acute, sharp pain. 'nyilalló fájdalom'

malignant: descructive, fatal, mortal, poisonous. 'rosszindulatú, gonosz' --> malignant tumour 'rosszindulatú daganat'

to take up the gauntlet: to meet/take up the challenge (of a fight). 'fölveszi a(z odadobott) kesztyűt'

a glimmer of hope:
a small amount of hope (a ray/gleam of hope). 'halvány reménysugár'


Hi Everybody!

I created this blog to help us learning new words and expressions. From now on, I will post a short vocabulary list on each and every blog entry of mine (anchuk.blogspot.com). I would like to invite all blogger students from Joe's Reading & Writing class to join me in editing this blog. So all of us could share the most important expressions of his/her writings.

Let's take off together ;)