Friday, November 30, 2007

Expressions from my writing "Now or never -- a fish that tries to fly"

Hi Everyone!
In case you are reading my blog entry "Now or never -- a fish that tries to fly", you might need to know the following sport -- mainly chess ;) -- expressions:
  • to tie for (a place): to share the place, having the same points. 'holtversenyben végezni'
  • to throw in the towel (or spounge): to admit defeat, stop fighting. 'bedobja a törülközőt, feladja a küzdelmet'
  • draw: the result when nobody wins, the point is shared: 0.5-0.5. 'döntetlen'
And the explanation of the chess-connected but known words:

  • opening-middlegame-endgame: the 3 parts of a chess game
  • handshaking: chessplayers shake hands at the beginning and at the end of the game

Beware: pronouncing pronunciation

The verb is to pronounce and we can practise pronouncing, but the noun form is pronunciation.

I didn't know it by myself so I checked it and thought to share it with you.;)
Thanks for the lecture, Joe!

Pronunciation Practice

We only truly possess knowledge of a word or phrase if we can utter it nice and smooth, too. So, how about some pronunciation & intonation practice now?

The Google & Albatross & Take Off SMS service features a simple task this week. You can practice pronouncing the title of the films you could vote for this week.
  • American Beauty
  • Breakfast at Tiffany's
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  • The Streetcar Named Desire
  • Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Enjoy the winning movie, Breakfast at Tiffany's, next Wednesday at 6 in the American Corner. See you there!

Friday, November 23, 2007

News Headlines

This week on the Take Off & Google SMS service, subscribers have read news headlines.

The last one is from today, Friday: according to Hungarian radio MR1 Kossuth, the early Roman Christian sight of Cella Septichora, which the Wednesday and the Thursday groups visited this week, has suffered wanton destruction: its glass has been broken.

The five headlines:
  • Queen Celebrates Wedding Anniversary
  • Hollywood Writers Still On Strike
  • Pecs Students Stroll Downtown
  • Students Sip Hot Wine At Dante
  • Early Christian Sight in Pecs Vandalized
(Addition of the editor -- wanton: 1. indokolatlan, ok nélküli, 2. kegyetlen, embertelen)

And an additional sentence of anagram-words ;)

For the missing but found-by-Vera anagram ;)
A hot jar is just impossible to be heaved -- you burn your fingers if you try to do so.

jar: agyagedény, korsó
to heave: (fel)emel

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Anagrams in sentences

According to Joe's statement -- and my own experience ;) -- learning new expressions can be easier by memorizing them in an 'environment': next to words we already know, in a fragment or in a whole sentence. I created some sentences from the Word Anagrams -- not much sense they have but perhaps it's easier to memorize those expressions on this way.

The annual contest of ambulancemen included the task of fording through a pool of water to get to the wounded.
to ford: átgázol (vízen)

Finding your way out from a maze is nearly as difficult as it would have been for Noah to build his ark from roses.
maze: útvesztő
ark: bárka (Noah's ark)

Police got a hint where the bravo was staying, so he had to get away from there as fast and as far as possible -- not giving himself a single halt.
bravo (2nd meaning): orgyilkos, bérgyilkos, vakmerő gonosztevő
halt: megállás

The rover found a huge oak-tree to sleep at -- it would have defended him even from falling pink piggies.
rover: csavargó, kóborgó, országutak vándora
oak: tölgy

The tads of Paul street had to overbid each other when playing cards.
tad: kis kölyök, srác, poronty
to overbid: túllicitál

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

An Additional Anagram

Dear Joe!
Anna is right, so here is the missing anagram of the main contributor. :)
  • Horvath Joe: Jar Hove Hot

"Run!" - some useful expressions

Hi guys,
I thought to share with you some of the expressions I find useful in my new blog entry, "Run! - for your life". (As you can see, I have no savvy for cars)

  • game: a collective noun for wild animals. 'vad(állat)'
  • reverse (in the aspect of cars): backing the car. 'tolatás'.
  • creaking: a sharp, unpleasant noise. 'csikorgás'
  • to honk: to hoot, to toot the horn. 'dudálni'
  • hop to it: to set/go about doing sg. 'nekiugrik, nekivág'

Albatross Vocabulary Contributor Anagrams

An anagram for the name of each of the five Albatross Vocabulary contributors:
  • Rudolf Anna: Annual Ford
  • Mészáros Réka: Ark maze roses
  • Horváth Bálint: Bravo halt hint
  • Prok Veronika: Pink oak rover
  • Óbert Dávid: Tad overbid

Sunday, November 11, 2007

"Without savvy"

Hi everyone!

I find writing a blog very useful, because in order to express myself I have to search for the expressions which really fit. So here are some useful ones:

  • savvy: well informed and perspective, practical understanding, 'hozzáértés'
  • turn in: to make an entrance, 'betér'. Can also mean: to hand in, to go to bed
  • scenic: spectacular, 'látványos'. Or relating to stage scenery: scenic design
  • feigned name: pseudonym, 'álnév'

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Featured: Five Questions

The Take Off & Google SMS service, brought to a cell phone near you, is now brought to this blog, too.

This week, I have chosen five questions published on an excellent Xanga blog. If you like, you can also listen to answers to some of these questions in the Take Off podcast this week.

And of course, it would be cool to see your answers, too.
  • Does technology breed isolation?
  • What inspires you?
  • Why do people follow trends?
  • What is your biggest regret?
  • What is a good featured question?

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Useful words, expressions from my latest story

Hi everyone!
It was high time to write for our common blog, I guess! :-S Hopefully I am not too late. :-P Well, I would share some expressions from my new writing. Here we are:

to tiff: when you drink sg slowly, calmly. 'kortyol, kortyolgat'

to saunter: to walk in a slow and relaxed way. 'ballagni, battyogni'

to be sober-minded: not drunk, smart, have an adult way of thinking. 'józan ésszel gondolkodó, komoly, megkomolyodott'

to blaze: now, in our case: the same as to flame, to flicker. 'lobogni' ('bámulni': to gaze, by the way)

staggering: very shocking and surprising, terrible ( in our case). 'megrázó, szörnyű'

Cheers and enjoy your holiday left! Balint