Thursday, November 22, 2007

Anagrams in sentences

According to Joe's statement -- and my own experience ;) -- learning new expressions can be easier by memorizing them in an 'environment': next to words we already know, in a fragment or in a whole sentence. I created some sentences from the Word Anagrams -- not much sense they have but perhaps it's easier to memorize those expressions on this way.

The annual contest of ambulancemen included the task of fording through a pool of water to get to the wounded.
to ford: átgázol (vízen)

Finding your way out from a maze is nearly as difficult as it would have been for Noah to build his ark from roses.
maze: útvesztő
ark: bárka (Noah's ark)

Police got a hint where the bravo was staying, so he had to get away from there as fast and as far as possible -- not giving himself a single halt.
bravo (2nd meaning): orgyilkos, bérgyilkos, vakmerő gonosztevő
halt: megállás

The rover found a huge oak-tree to sleep at -- it would have defended him even from falling pink piggies.
rover: csavargó, kóborgó, országutak vándora
oak: tölgy

The tads of Paul street had to overbid each other when playing cards.
tad: kis kölyök, srác, poronty
to overbid: túllicitál

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