Monday, December 17, 2007

Vocabulary of my poem

Here you can see some expressions from my poem, The life what we live.

pouring rain: very hard rain. 'zuhogó/szakadó eső'

to reside in: to be present. 'jelen van'

to be hung up: to be frustrated, long faced. 'csalódott'

to chirp: (bird song), to chatter. 'csiripel'

appearance: illusory, pseudo. 'látszat'

consequence: attendant. 'konzekvencia, következmény'

to redeem: to save, to buy off. 'megvált vmit/vkit'

evil: bad, atrocious. 'rossz, gonosz'

1 comment:

Anchuk said...

Thanks for sharing your poem's vocabulary with us, Léda! Just next time try to keep the 5-expression rule, please ;) Enjoy your break!