Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Vocabulary from a seminar (part 1)

In the Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies seminar we have to read different articles and texts, and sometimes there are many words in these texts I don't understand. So I always look them up in a dictionary. Here are some:
  • to veer: to change direction. 'irányt változtat'
  • to mop and mow: to grimace, to make a face. 'pofákat vág, fintorog'
  • mocking: sarcastic, derisive, ironic. 'gúnyos'
  • sodomy: a carnal copulation against nature, anal intercourse. 'természetellenes, nem megszokott nemi közösülés'
  • tenacious: insistent, stubborn, tough. 'makacs, kitartó'

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